Hexo theme next style improvements.
Highlight diff style test
1 | Index: languages/ini.js |
Note tag test
1 | /** |
Label tag test
1 | /** |
1 | Lorem {% label @ipsum %} {% label primary@dolor sit %} amet, consectetur {% label success@adipiscing elit, %} sed {% label info@do eiusmod %} tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Button tag test
1 | Usage: {% button /path/to/url/, text, icon [class], title %} |
Button with text
1 | {% button #, Text %} |
1 | {% btn #, Text %}{% btn #, Text & Title,, Title %} |
1 | {% btn #, Text %} |
Button with icon
1 | {% btn #,, home fa-5x %} |
Button with text and icon
1 | {% btn #, Text & Icon (buggy), home %} |
1 | {% btn #, Text & Large Icon, home fa-fw fa-lg %} |
Button inside other tag
1 | {% btn #, Text & Icon, home fa-fw %} |
Button margin
1 | <div class="text-center"> |
1 | <div class="text-center">{% btn #, Almost, adn fa-fw fa-lg %} {% btn #, Over, terminal fa-fw fa-lg %}</div> |
1 | <div class="text-right"> |
Tab tag test
1 | /** |
Tab tag simple sample
1 | {% tabs First unique name %} |
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
Tab tag with 3rd tab selected
1 | {% tabs Second unique name, 3 %} |
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
Tab tag with no tab selected
1 | {% tabs Third unique name, -1 %} |
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
Tab tag with custom labels
1 | {% tabs Fourth unique name %} |
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
Tab tag with icons only
1 | {% tabs Fifth unique name %} |
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
Tab tag permalinks test
1 | Permalink for > [Tab one](#tab-one). |
Permalink for > Tab one.
Permalink for > Tab one 1.
Permalink for > Tab one 2.
Permalink for > Tab one 3.
Permalink for > Tab two.
Permalink for > Tab two 1.
Permalink for > Tab two 2.
Permalink for > Tab two 3.
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
This is Tab 1.
This is Tab 2.
This is Tab 3.
Tab tag with other tags
1 | {% tabs Tags %} |